
Random thoughts (really needing to just get stuff off of my chest....)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Long time...

Sorry it's been awhile. I forget to get to this... Well, So went on his first ER trip today. Both he and Veda are sick. Pretty sick. Veda is puking and pooping while so is congested and has a high fever. He was pretty much up all night. And when he did sleep- I was holding Veda's hair as she puked in the trash can. Needless to say I am tired. Very tired.

I am going to stay home tomorrow and try and get the boy up and healthy again.

He says "Da Da" now. And he is pulling his legs up under himself. I have to admit the boy is lazy. He wants you to move him. But it is coming. He eats A LOT. Weighing in at 20 lbs- we have had to switch car seats already.

Veda is doing well. Still loving piano. We had conferences for her last week and only got wonderful reports. Reading like a wild woman.

Everything else is good. Still working on staying healthy. I need to keep up with exercise. By the time I get home from work I am ready for bed. Where my parents like this? I remember them staying awake- at least my mom. Jeff and I were in bed at 8:30 on Saturday. Losers!!

I will try to stay more current here.


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