
Random thoughts (really needing to just get stuff off of my chest....)

Sunday, September 24, 2006


So the circle of life continues in our family. Our puppy Sipalla (Polly) was hit by a car last night. And no- the car DID NOT STOP!! His arm is broken in two spots and his pelvis is broken in at least 4. Oh and his tail bone is broken as well. The vet said she was unable to move him for more X-rays so there very well could be more breaks... A mere $5,000.00 starting price tag was put on his surgeries. Jeff and I are beside ourselves. We want to do everything for him we can but now that we are pregnant we, at least I, feel we have a responsibility to make sure we don't put ourselves in a horrible situation. And the vet also mentioned that she was unsure he would be able to go to the bathroom independently after this. So months of recuperation and a possible recovery..

She is calling us later this am to get our decision. We both have barely slept.

I don't want to tell V. She has had too much go on already.

UGH!! I miss my dog.


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