
Random thoughts (really needing to just get stuff off of my chest....)

Friday, August 25, 2006


My friend LawMommy tagged me. I have to say 5 weird things about me that you may not know...

1. I am selectively OCD. No really- there are certain things that drive me crazy some days and don't bother me others. This is really difficult on my family. Example- I came home today and V had paper all over the kitchen table. Today is a day that I wanted the kitchen table to be cleared off. I went crazy. I had asked her yesterday to take care of it.

On the other hand... There are things that I am always OCD about. My patients at work. I have certain colors of highlighting for certain things. Orange- my client. Green- not doing so well. Etc...

2. I hate sleeping alone. I dread the days that J works midnights. I lie in bed most of the night thinking that there is someone standing in my bedroom doorway waiting for the perfect moment to attack me. This has always been with me. Doors at night are freaky. Please keep mine closed.

3. I live on Trident Original gum. I actually get it for birthday presents. I probably chew two packs a day. The suck thing about this is that each piece is 5 calories. I am not sure how to process the 18 pieces X 5 calories X 3 packs.... How many points is that??

4. I hate fingernails. Not on other people. Just me. I cut my fingernails down until right before they bleed. I can't stand them. This also goes with my picking. Yes, I am a picker. If you have a zit or scab watch out. I love to pick.

5. I am obsessed with McDonald's ice cream. Two points without a cone three with a cone. So I have to admit, I go there daily. I am so disgusting.

So now I tag Chas and the Hotpockets...